

Calendar days are available on a first-come first-served basis.  In some special circumstances, we may be able accommodate last-minute sessions, so don't hesitate to contact us. 



Phone calls to understand the dispute and deal with concerns that are incumbent with the litigation process.  Judge Hogan is skilled at getting parties prepared for the most productive use of a mediation day. 


Mediation Session

Each mediation day is unique and has its own rhythm and requirements.  The facts of the dispute, the procedural posture of the dispute, the clients involved, and the relationship between the attorneys all have an influence on the day's course of events.  Some avenues to success are discovered early, others late.  Judge Hogan is committed to help the parties work productively until every path has been tried.  

Deft touch and responsive to the particular pace of each session.  Processing legal arguments and also presenting/encouraging pragmatic ideas for cooperation.  Recognizing that the ultimate goal is peace, reconciliation, moving forward.


We are happy to provide assistance in pushing a teetering mediation effort over the fence or wrapping up a settlements final terms. 

Will be available as a Czar if the parties agree that it would be helpful.  Will help follow-up with parties when more time is needed and agreements are being approved and signed.  Setting concrete goals to help parties continue to move the process forward.